
Getting hands-on experience with state-of-the-art data systems!

Project Deadlines

Title       Due Date       Material
Project 0        01/31       Project 0 Doc
Project 1        02/14       Project 1 Doc
Project Proposal        02/23       Project Proposal Template
Mid-semester Report          03/22       Midway & Final Report Template
Final Project Report        04/26

Project 0

A quick dev. project to sharpen C++ skills and to prepare for the upcoming research/dev project.

Project 1

A small benchmarking project on RocksDB.

Class Project

Every student should complete a semester-long class project. The students can decide between a systems project and a research project.

Useful links:

System Projects

A system project sharpens your systems skills and provides background on state-of-the-art systems, data structures and algorithms. For a successful systems project you will design and implement a systems component in C or C++, and you will deal with low-level system implementation details like memory allocation and management, cache-aware processing, parallel and concurrent processing and a deeper understanding of read/write performance trade-offs, and performance scalability. Systems projects can be carried out by one student or a group of two students.

This year we will have two topics for a systems project.


Implementation of LSM-Trees

Implementation of a Bufferpool

Research Projects

A research project, on the other hand, aims at challenging the state-of-the-art. The goal is (i) either to better understand an open research problem through analysis and benchmarking, or (ii) to solve open problems through new designs and proof-of-concept implementations. The ultimate goal of a research project is to give a taste of research to students, and ideally lead to publications. When working on a research project, the student will interact with the instructor and the teaching assistants closely. Students will work in groups of three students.

We have provided research project ideas. The students can also propose their own project (subject to instructor's approval).


Project Qu-ART Tree - QuIT for ART?

Project Q-QUEST: Are Questionable QUEry Selectivity Tolerable?

Joins with Near-Sorted Data

Privacy-preserving workload tuning

Boosting Join Implementation for Skew Correlation in Postgres

Cache-Awareness for Near-Sorted Indexing

Concurrency-aware Algorithm Design for ZNS SSDs

Performance study of buffer pool Manager on Emulated SSDs

Back to front compaction in LSM trees