Lab4 mini project You will be asked to answer the following queries: -- Query 1 Select the first and last name of every manager and the name of the department they manage -- Query 2 Find the average salary of all employees in the department called 'Research' -- Query 3 Find the name and number of employees for all departments with more than 50,000 employees ############################################################################################### 1. First connect to the Database by following the steps: - Open Terminal(macOS, Linux) or Download PuTTY for Windows -Connect to csa1 via ssh: ssh -Enter your BU Kerberos password -Connect to the MySQL database by typing the following command: mysql -u cs460 -p -h -D cs460 -Enter password: Q3Y6kFd25k9ac8V5 -Type the command: ‘use cs460’ 2. Create three files with this command: touch query1.sql query2.sql query3.sql 3. You can test your queries however you want in an interactive MySQL session, or by writing them in the files(more details below) you created and executing them like this: mysql -u cs460 -p -h -t -D cs460 < query1.sql and then typing the password: Q3Y6kFd25k9ac8V5 (The -t flag prints results in table format.) To write to the files you created just type "vim NAME_OF_FILE" in terminal. Make the changes and then follow the on screen instructions to save. 4. When you're satisfied with a query, save its output to a .out file like this: mysql -u cs460 -p -h -t -D cs460 < query1.sql > query1.out and then typing the password: Q3Y6kFd25k9ac8V5 5. To submit your queries at the end of the session, run this commands: gsubmit cs460 query1.out gsubmit cs460 query2.out gsubmit cs460 query3.out 6. To confirm that you submitted the file, run the command: gsubmit cs460 -ls It should display the filed you submitted with a timestamp.